

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#プログラムdir下にあるdat dir内のRASデータを全てまとめてCSVに変換します。データは2θが一番短いものに合わせてください。
import os
import pandas as pd

# set path and step info
path = './dat'
tth_start = 20.0 #MEAS_SCAN_START
tth_step = 0.01 #MEAS_SCAN_STEP
tth_end = 70 #MEAS_SCAN_STOP
comment_end = 343 #Line No: RAS_INT_START
line_number = int((tth_end - tth_start) / tth_step + comment_end + 1)
dfsum = pd.DataFrame()

# Data pick-up and stacking
counts = 0
for file in os.listdir(path):
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
    if ext == '.ras':
        rfile = path + '/' + file
        firstcolumn = "tth"
        secondcolumn = "int_"+base[-4:]
        ## read header data of start, step, end
        df = pd.read_csv(rfile, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, skiprows=lambda x: x not in range(comment_end,line_number),
                         names=[firstcolumn, secondcolumn], usecols=[0,1], encoding="Shift-JIS")
        if counts == 0:
            dfsum = pd.concat([dfsum, df], axis=1)
            dfsum = pd.concat([dfsum, df[secondcolumn]], axis=1)
        counts = counts + 1

#  file output
wfile = path + '/' + base[:-5] + '.csv'
dfsum.to_csv(wfile, sep=",",  index=False)
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