System C kugui_Point Consumption Criteria

Point Consumption Criteria

Please click here for more information on the point consumption system.

Criteria for Standard Queues

System C is equipped with a CPU node and an ACC node, each with cpu and acc/accs included in the queue name. The number of points consumed when using each queue is described as follows. The number of GPUs that can be used in accs queues is 1 ~ 4 (node shared), and in acc queues it is 4 or 8 (node occupied).

Queue name Execution time limit Number of nodes (minimum to maximum) Points consumed per day
i2cpu 30 minutes 1〜2 1 point/node
F/L1cpu 24/120 hours 1〜1 1 point/node
F/L4cpu 24/120 hours 2〜4 1 point/node
F/L16cpu 24/120 hours 5〜16 1 point/node
i1accs 30 minutes 1〜1 2 point/node
F/L1accs 24/120 hours 1〜1 2 point/node
F/L2acc 24/120 hours 1〜2 2 point/node


Disk Charges
Points are required depending on the amount of disk space used on the system.
Points are not consumed when usage remains within the standard quota (default quota).
However, should you raise the quota above the standard value and the usage exceed the default quota, points will be consumed on a daily basis for any amount in excess of the standard value.

Quota changes can be set in units of 1 GB, and point consumption is also calculated in units of 1 GB/day.

The billing factor for points is different in the /home and /work areas.

Queue name Standard value Maximum value Points consumed per day
Long term (/home) 300 GB 4 TB 1.0 point/TB
Short term (/work) 3072 GB 120 TB 0.1 point/TB



Standard point consumption guidelines

Points are distributed to each assignment based on these point consumption standards and the total compute capacity, with the expectation that the supercomputer will be in continuous operation throughout the year.

For System C:
(1pt [per node per day] x 128 nodes + 2pt [per node per day] x 8 nodes) x 365 days ~ 53 kpt