Photo-excited electron dynamics simulator based on time-dependent density functional theory using real-time, real-space grids. It can perform calculations of linear photo-response and nonlinear photo-response to pulse radiation in a variety of systems including isolated systems, periodic systems, interfaces/surfaces, etc. It can perform massively parallel calculations in systems consisting of thousands of atoms, and it can also perform multiscale simulation of electron-electromagnetic field-coupled dynamics.


Official home Page:
Official Document:
LAMMPS on MateriApps:

Installed versions (2024-04-25)


How to use SALMON on ISSP Supercomputers

Hereafter, please replace $MA_ROOT with the following directory:

System B: /home/issp/materiapps/oneapi_compiler_classic-2023.0.0--openmpi-4.1.5
System C: /home/issp/materiapps/PrgEnv-intel_8.3.3


SALMON is installed under


The following command

$ source $MA_ROOT/salmon/

sets the root directory of the latest installed version of SALMON as an environment variable SALMON_ROOT , and adds the directory including the executable binary file,  $SALMON_ROOT/bin , to the environment variable PATH  .

The latest version of SALMON may be updated without announcement. If you want to fix the version, please source the configuration file with the version number. 

Executable binary file

The executable binary file is salmon . On ISSP supercomputer, srun (ohtaka) or mpiexec (kugui) is required even if run as a single process.

Directories of sample files

Official sample files are available from


Use them after copying into your space:

$ cp -r $SALMON_ROOT/samples .

How to run SALMON jobs

A sample job script file,, is available from


Copy to the working directory, then rename the input file name in, C2H2_gs.inp, as necessary, and finally submit the job script file as follows:

$ cp $MA_ROOT/salmon/sample_jobscript/ .

# System B
$ sbatch
# System C
$ qsub